Interpretations & Errata

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Date Classification Title Tags Author
Interpretation TSC-4 Interpretation on Laser Protective Barriers (pdf) Interpretations/Explanations/Errata Jacqueline Ansa
Explanation Explanation from SSC-9 Regarding Laser Interlocks and Shutters (pdf) Interpretations/Explanations/Errata Jacqueline Ansa
Explanation Explanation: Interlocks and Shutters in Hazard Zones Interpretations/Explanations/Errata Jacqueline Ansa
Explanation ANSI Z136.1 Key Control for Class 3B and Class 4 lasers Interpretations/Explanations/Errata Jacqueline Ansa
Explanation ANSI Z136.1 Key Control for Class 3B and Class 4 lasers Interpretations/Explanations/Errata Jacqueline Ansa
Interpretation Interpretation - Z136.7 Compliance  Interpretations/Explanations/Errata Jacqueline Ansa
Explanation Explanation of Classification Based on Class 1 Instead of Class 2 (pdf) Interpretations/Explanations/Errata Jacqueline Ansa
Explanation Explanation of Classification -- Class 1 vs Class 2 for Visible  Interpretations/Explanations/Errata Jacqueline Ansa
Explanation Clarification: Posting of Signage Interpretations/Explanations/Errata Jacqueline Ansa
Explanation Clarification of Medical Surveillance Examinations Interpretations/Explanations/Errata Jacqueline Ansa