(Standards Subcommittee for Z136.4) Develop a recommended practice that provides guidance for making measurements which are required for hazard assessment according to the Z136 series of standards.
Development Stage
06 Subcommittee Recirculation Ballot (SCDV2)
06 Subcommittee Recirculation Ballot (SCDV2)
Procedures A.1.(k). At the subcommittee level, a recirculation ballot shall be conducted if any substantive change is made, whether to address a negative vote or affirmative comment, or may be conducted at the discretion of the SSC chair to ensure consensus of proposed nonsubstantive comment resolutions. If a SCDV recirculation ballot is conducted, members of the balloting group will only be able to change their vote on issues addressed by the recirculation. Balloting group members who have abstained or failed to return a ballot during the previous ballot may vote; however may only base their vote on items that have been changed since the previous ballot. Changes may include items identified by the SSC Chair within the scope of the standard project before the subcommittee. Any new issue or recommended technical change obtained during recirculation shall be retained by the SSC secretary for consideration during the next maintenance cycle. A ballot summary shall be submitted to the Secretariat for record retention.