(Standards Subcommittee for Z136.6) Develop a standard that provides guidance for the safe use of lasers and laser systems in the outdoors, where the establishment of open beam paths is necessitated.
Development Stage
04 Subcommittee Balloting (SCDV1)
04 Subcommittee Balloting (SCDV1)
The subcommittee balloting group that was established via invitation is currently reviewing proposed changes to the Subcommittee Draft for Vote 1 (SCDV) and submitting ballots. The balloting period is no less than 30 calendar days.
Procedures A.1.(I). Each ballot comment, or coordinating subcommittee comments, (including those from the identified technical subcommittees) shall be entered into the Summary Comment Form (Appendix D) and shall include the following:
Name of individual
Location of the text reference for each comment
Reason for voting negative – rationale or error
Proposed wording that would cause the individual to change their vote to affirmative