(Standards Subcommittee for Z136.8) This standard provides recommendations for the safe use of lasers and laser systems in research, development and testing that operate at wavelengths between 0.18 micron and 1 millimeter.
Development Stage
02 Subcommittee Draft Development
02 Subcommittee Draft Development
Members of the SSC may submit comments proposing revisions to the standard using a comment matrix; the chair should communicate with each member who comments to come to a resolution and then respond in writing to each comment with a final proposed resolution and rationale. The chair or secretary should use the MS Word Track Changes feature to enter these proposed revisions into the original document to keep a comparison of the original ANSI-approved document to the proposed revisions in order to facilitate a ballot after the drafting period.
Procedures A.1.(f). During development, the chair (or secretary, if one exists) of the SSC shall distribute each successive Subcommittee Draft (SCD) to the members of the SSC.